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In the summer of 2014, Kawan noticed a lack of coordination and muscle control, specifically on his right side. One morning, while working at his internship, it became clear he had difficulty speaking and writing. He was instructed to go to the Doctor's off where they ran neurological tests. After seeing the results, the Doctor strongly advised Kawan to go to the Hospital. Kawan was not alarmed and felt the issue was being overblown.
Despite what he felt, Kawan heeded the Doctor's instructions and went to the Hospital of Southern Maryland. There he waited six hours to get a CT scan. After some time, the Doctor came out to shed light on what, if anything, was wrong. The Doctor told him he had a lesion (area of tissue that has been damaged through injury or disease) on his brain, but he would need an MRI to get more in-depth details. To get the MRI done, Kawan went to George Washington Hospital. The imaging came back and the doctors told Kawan he had a Cavernous Malformation. Kawan didn't know what that meant, so he thought nothing of it when he was told to go home and monitor.
Within a few days, Kawan was back in the Hospital when his coordination worsened, and his vision became blurry. He returned to GW Hospital and had his first brain surgery on August 15th, 2014. That may have been a moment of pause and reflection for most, but at 20 years old, there was no stopping Kawan. Only a week later, he returned to school and everything that came with it. Drinking, partying, and staying up late. As a result, he had a stroke a month later, on September 18th, 2014. After spending a month in rehab, he returned to school with a new mindset, but yet again, life had other plans.
The benign brain tumor would grow back twice, resulting in two more brain surgeries on October 1st, 2015, and October 12th, 2017. In between those surgeries, Kawan struggled with suicidal ideations, depression, and opioid addiction. After everything was over, Kawan had a whopping medical bill of $1.2 million. Despite all his hardships, Kawan still graduated and started a coaching business called Overcome Adversity LLC. He is also a Podcaster with a podcast called Favor: The Podcast. All fitting for someone with his background.
Kawan wrote a book called "Favor: How Stroke Struggle and Surgery Helped Me Find My Life's Purpose" He is an author, a coach, but most notably a survivor. He now uses his story to inspires others, and transform them from a victim to a Victor!
"The darkest night often comes before the brightest morning, and your morning is coming."
Kawan Glover, Overcome Adversity LLC
Victory is defined as "an act of defeating an enemy or opponentin a battle, game, or other competition"In life, there is a massive array of different battles.
They show up as physical, mental, emotional, and or spiritual battles. More specifically: Starting a business or recovering from a failed one. Self-doubt after a string of failed relationships. Navigating the corporate ladder, goal setting, and simply not knowing who you are anymore. As these battles arise, you begin to blame the people around you, where you live, your childhood, and your environment. You see, the most sinister thing about excuses is that they are valid. The external focus allows you to avoid responsibility and embrace the "woe is me mindset," a mindset better known as the "Victim Mindset." The more and more you lean on that mindset, you unknowingly buy real estate in the neighborhood of victims. You now live in victimhood.
One Goal, One Victory
Victory Coaching's one goal is to get you to destroy the victimhood mentality and become a Victor in your life journey. We will do this by adjusting your habits, actions, and mindset, so Victory is always on your brain. Understand that there will be no Victory without a battle, but we will face that battle together. Victory is attainable in every aspect of your life, so let's make it what you do and who you are!
Brain surgery, stroke, opioid addiction, and depression are battles he never saw coming in his wildest nightmares.
This book follows the transformative journey of Kawan Glover, who faced tragedies that would go on to change his perspective on life, and his purpose in it, forever.
His journey from an above-average high school student to a young man battle-hardened by constant bouts of adversity is only a brief glimpse at what this memoir entails. At the age of 20, a mass was found on his brain. Nevertheless, feeling invincible in his early 20s, he continued to live the life of a young, carefree college student. His choices would smash headfirst into his reality, deteriorating his physical and mental health.
Will Kawan continue on a downward spiral, or will his ordeals shine a light on his purpose in life?
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